Established in March 2020, The Bali Beat gathers together the biggest news and each day’s Covid-19 data on the Island of the Gods. The weekday morning news summary lands in inboxes around 8:00am WITA, while the daily Covid-19 update arrives in the evening. It is for anyone interested in Bali, and particularly useful for expats who may not be able to read Indonesian language content, as well as journalists covering the province.
We monitor dozens of local, national, and international media outlets and scan the internet for the most relevant news about - and that effects people on - the island. Topics include Bali’s tourism sector, economy and infrastructure, Covid-19 vaccination programs, health protocols and patrols, education, culture, the environment, and others.
If you’d like to learn more about the newsletter’s readership, click here to view the results of our first reader survey, conducted in March 2021.
Co-host of The South East Asia Travel Show podcast, Gary Bowerman, called the newsletter “indispensable” and “an excellent resource not just about Bali itself, but about Indonesia,” while co-host Hannah Pearson said, “It’s fantastic. I find so many nuggets about Indonesia that I wouldn’t have found elsewhere. It’s really worth looking at to get a sense of what’s going on in Bali and Indonesia.”
*A paid subscription is NOT required to access this content.* However, if you would like to support our news gathering efforts, please consider making a donation of US$5/month by becoming a contributing subscriber. Or if you prefer to make a one-time donation - in any amount - click here.
Our standards
We only include news items from established media sources.
All headlines and excerpts appear exactly as they do in the source articles.
We do not include opinion pieces, forecasts, or rumors.
We do not comment on or express opinions in the newsletter about the news items included.
All headlines marked with "Indonesian" point to articles that are published in Indonesian. We use Google Translate to convert the headline and excerpt from Indonesian to English, then correct any translation errors where the intended meaning is lost or unclear. These changes are kept to a minimum to accurately reflect the source material. To provide context for certain developing news stories, we may include a short summary in English with links to other relevant articles that may also be in Indonesian.
For any questions, comments or tips, please contact us at